UMass Boston

Christian Weller, Department Chairman,  Public Policy & Public Affairs

Christian Weller

Public Policy & Public Affairs
Department Chair
McCormack Hall Floor 03 00421

Phone: 617.287.6938


Christian Weller is a professor of public policy and department chair. He has worked at UMass Boston since 2007, where he has helped to stand up and grow the Department of Public Policy and Public Affairs and its programs. Professor Weller's research focuses on wealth inequality, retirement savings policy and economic policy.

Area of Expertise

Wealth inequality

Retirement savings policy 

Economic policy


PhD in Economics (university of Massachusetts, Amherst) (1998)

Additional Information

Professor Weller has widely published in peer-reviewed journals, as book author and editor and in other outlets such as USA Today, the New York Times, Forbes, regional news papers, among others. Professor Weller regularly publishes policy reports and issue briefs with Washington, DC based think tanks. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst