Maria Paiewonsky
Area of Expertise
Transition from high school to adult life, special education, youth development, postsecondary education for people with intellectual disabilities, Participatory Action Research
EdD, Leadership in Urban Schools/Special Education/Disability Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston
MEd, Severe Special Needs, Boston College
BS, Communication Disorders, Emerson College
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Paiewonsky, M. (2013). “So maybe we’re just like everyone else?”: Students with intellectual disabilities use Participatory Action Research to discuss their concurrent enrollment experiences. National Gateway to Self Determination, National Training Initiative on Self Determination, and the Association on University Centers for Excellence.
- Paiewonsky, M., Bole, M., Hanson, T., Price, M., MacDonald, P., & Schwartz, A. (2013). Establishing inclusive postsecondary education opportunities: Tips for effective communication. Think College Insight Brief, Issue No. 20. Boston, MA: Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston.
- Paiewonsky, M. (2011). Hitting the re-set button on education: Student reports on going to college. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 34(1), 31-44.
- Grigal, M., Hart, D. & Paiewonsky, M. (2010). Postsecondary education: The next frontier for individuals with intellectual disabilities. In M. Grigal & D. Hart (Ed.), Think college: Postsecondary education options for students with intellectual disabilities (pp. 1-28). Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Co.
- Paiewonsky, M. & Ostergard, J.R. (2010). Local school systems perspectives. In M. Grigal & D. Hart (Ed.), Think college: Postsecondary education options for students with intellectual disabilities (pp. 1-28). Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Co.
Additional Information
Maria Paiewonsky coordinates and teaches in the Transition Leadership track in the master’s program at the School for Global Inclusion and Social Development (SGISD). This area of study involves the transition from high school to adult life for young people with disabilities.
Paiewonsky is a program manager for the Education and Transition team at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI), a research and training institute housed within SGISD. Her work at the ICI is primarily focused on professional development and research that promotes transition and postsecondary education leadership and effective practices.
Paiewonsky works with policy makers, practitioners, families, and students on a number of state and local initiatives. In addition, she coordinates several professional development activities. Her area of specialization is inclusive research, evaluation, and dissemination with individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Learn more about how Maria Paiewonsky supports young people with disabilities.